As published by Donna Maree Hanson and Marcin Klak in April 2019.

Outcome of the 2019 GUFF Race

Press Release :: 24 April 2019

We have a winner!

In a hard fought race between three candidates, we can say that Simon Litten will be representing New Zealand and Australian fandom at Worldcon 77 in Dublin, Ireland in August 2019. Congratulations, Simon!

The current GUFF administrators would like to thank the other candidates and all those who voted in the race.

Marcin and I counted the 73 votes and recounted them and double-checked they were correctly entered and that corresponding donations were made. Because no candidate had more than half the votes, the candidate with the lowest number of votes had their preferences allocated to the remaining candidates.

This mean there were 63 votes remaining between two candidates. Simon Litten achieved the majority of votes. Even after the final round of votes were counted, there was only one vote between the winning candidate and the runner up.

The votes and allocation of preferences were then scrutinised by Claire Brialey. It was a very nail biting race.

Current GUFF administrators
Donna Maree Hanson (Australasia)
Marcin Klak (Europe)


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